We are ready to get married so what should we do now?

Quite simply: call or email me to determine availability and should I respond positively, then simply fill out the booking form and email it to me with proof of your retainer fee which then will confirm the booking of my service for your wedding date. Note that the Retainer fee is not refundable should the wedding be cancelled for any reason. The balance of payment is due no later than a week prior to the ceremony date. We can make an appointment so that we can get the ball rolling and payment can also be made at this point should you prefer and this can be done in cash or just EFT. We can then have a look at what you want (or don’t want as the case may be). Please note that the dates that you give me will only be a provisional booking and will only be confirmed once full payment has been made.

Do we have to get married under a roof, or can you get married outside?

Marriages may take place according to the Law “in” a public office, a church or building used for religious services or a private residence. There is no reference to a “roof” or for that matter “walls” so the real understanding or meaning is left up for different interpretations of the word “in”. I have discussed this with home affairs and they agree that there is no law saying you cannot get married outside or that you have to get married under a roof or sign the register for that matter under a roof.

What documentation is required to get married?

The following must be Faxed, emailed or presented to me at the first appointment or at least before the wedding so that all the papers work is in order prior to the ceremony:

The following must be, emailed or presented to me at the first appointment or at least before the wedding, so that all the paperwork is in order prior to the ceremony:

  • Two copies of both your IDs.
  • Three identical passport photos per person.
  • Two copies of your two witness’ IDs.
  • If you have been married before: I require you divorce decree that      has been certified and it must be in English or Afrikaans.
  • If you are a widow or widower: Death certificate.
  • I DO NOT NEED a copy of your ANC (ante-nuptual contract), but if you are intending to enter into one, please make sure that you conclude this prior to the day of the wedding or else you will pay tens of thousands to rectify it afterwards.
  • A Form Bl 32A is needed if any party is under the age of 21 – http://www.southafrica-newyork.net/homeaffairs/forms/bi-32.pdf
  • If the Bride is younger than 15 and the Bridegroom is younger than 18, permission to the marriage is needed from The Commissioner of Child Welfare.
  • There are a couple more things that I need from you because of the new home affairs register which is much more detailed. Sorry about this frustration.
  • Highest qualification.
  • Occupational position.
  • Birth place.
  • Birth country.
  • Current residential address of both of you.
  • Permanent residential address after marriage.
  • Postal address.
  • Contact Cell and Telephone numbers of both the witnesses.

From Foreigners (non SA residents): I ALSO need:

  • The visa number / permit number / temporary residence number in your passport (scan and email to me).
  • A certified copy of your passport picture page and opposite page and you will need to fill in the Form Bl 31 – http://www.southafrica-newyork.net/homeaffairs/forms/bi-31.pdf
  • You must sign the “Declaration For The Purpose Of Marriage” form  BI-31 (which I will supply).
  • I need a “Letter Of No Impediment” from your country’s Embassy / Authorities / Government. (ie: a letter that says they are not opposedto you getting married in South Africa, to the mentioned husband or wife and that you are not married in your country of origin and that there is no lawful impediment to your marriage here.)
  • You need to please go to the nearest home affairs office in South Africa and get an interview report by the Immigrations officer.

How is our marriage registered?

On the day of the wedding, once the ceremony has been concluded, the two of you will sign a marriage register along with the marriage officer and two witnesses and then I will give you your own “manual marriage certificate” which is a form that I fill in as a registered Marriage Officer (please make sure you make certified copies). I then take the legal registered document within 3 days (from the date of marriage) with a copy of your I.D’s. to Home Affairs and ensure that they enter the information onto the system. You can go to a link on my website to check that your marriage is registered with home affairs which can take up to 2 months, but normally with me doing it, it takes only about a week. Normally this process can take many months and some have been known to wait 2 years, but not if I do the work for you.

What’s the difference between an abridged and unabridged certificate and do we need either?

An abridged certificate is a certificate printed by Home Affairs which contains both your personal details such as full names and ID numbers as well as the date of the marriage. I would suggest that you get this, as it is generally more acceptable than just the manual certificate.

The unabridged certificate which is known as a full marriage certificate, is a more formal certificate and contains more detailed information and is also printed by Home Affairs. This is required if you plan to travel extensively or emigrate. If one or both of you are not South Africans, the unabridged certificate will be required to register the marriage in your home country.

For ultimate proof of your marriage, you need the unabridged marriage certificate and you can use this in all circumstances To obtain this certificate can take up to 12 weeks. I can obtain this on your behalf should you require this, but I must be informed before I submit your legal documents to Home Affairs.

Note that you can only apply for these certificates once your marriage has been registered at Home Affairs.

You have to specifically apply for this certificate should you require one of the documents.

I can assist you in obtaining any of these documents should you require them, at the following costs:

  • Obtaining an abridged marriage certificate: R350.00.
  • Obtaining an unabridged marriage certificate: R800.00 (includes registered mailing cost to your door).
  • BI-130 : Application for an unabridged marriage certificate